Upton Walden
Family Cemetery
Florida - September 2003
Upton Family Cemetery is now in the middle of the Piney Grove Cemetery which was
donated to the African American people of Baldwin by the Coleman family many years
ago. To reach the cemetery travel west on I-295 from Jacksonville. Take the I-10 West exit. Take the Baldwin Exit which is Hwy. 301 and turn left at the end of the ramp. Turn right at the end of the street on to U.S. Hwy. 90 and take an immediate left onto Lima Street North. Drive into the Piney Grove Cemetery and the Upton Cemetery is directly in front of you surrounded by what's left of an iron fence. |
This is the site upon arrival on September 19th. In the far left of the frame you can see the debris which had been thrown against the fence including huge wooden 1x4 frames for digging graves, branches, old metal plant stands with the styrofoam and cloth flowers still attached, broken bottles, cans etc. The two stones below were the only ones visible. |
TO THE MEMORY OF Stone has rose stem with leaves and rose bud on top of both sides and has Rosebrauch & Sons St. Louis engraved at bottom. Left: Jeffie [sic] Jessie, Right: Jordan. |
This is the tombstone of Adaran's sister Margaret who never married but lived with the Uptons and helped care for the Upton children.
M. N. Walden The
top of the stone slants back and has a carved image of what appears to be an open
book, perhaps a bible. |
is the plot just three hours later! |
white stone in the top right is GGG Grandfather Benjamin Upton's, and to the left,
the base and the pedestal. Below that is his daughter Florence McNorell's stone, and to the left of it, the base. Just above Florence's base you can see a small marker, that of her son Benjamin Lafayette McNorell. Below Florence's and to the left is a small flat piece of what looks like concrete - the next trip proved this to be the base for daughter Sissy's stone. Below this is the base and stone for another daughter Annie L. Upton. For each grave there is a head stone and a foot stone and all the grave stones are facing east. In the photo you can also see the once perfect but still beautiful iron fence. |
UPTON BORN MAY 26, 1833 DIED NOV. 19, 1895 Ye living men as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now you too must be Prepare for death and eternity Ben's Stone has a carved out oval with a raised cross at a 45 degree angle. |
MEMORY Florence's stone has carved raised stalks of wheat at the top and a single rose stem at the lower right. |
I first started raking, I found what I thought was a small marker. I started to
uncover it and found another piece on top with a little lamb or dog whose head
had been knocked off long ago. I realized that the dates were not on this piece and started clearing around a barely visible stone next to the marker. My photo did not get the entire body of the animal. |
name is in carved raised letters. |
This was the parting shot the first day I encountered the Upton Family Cemetery and my ancestors buried there. |