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Abraham Employment Documents

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Gannam Abraham Amoskeag

General Hand,Mill #3 Central Division. Address: 83 Central. Signed: Gannam Abrahim*. Signed 6 May 1912.

Anna Abraham Amoskeag

Address: 571 Elm Street, age 18, employed before, Mill #10 Southern Division. Weaver, employed here before. Signed 2 September 1913

Gannam Abraham Amoskeag

General hand, Spinning room, Mill #3 Central Division. Discharged, will not rehire: "no good" "a leader of men." Signed 14 August 1912.

Anna Abraham Amoskeag

Employed as weaver Mill # 10 Wd. Weave #2, Section 7, Southern Division. Status change. Signed 11 December 1913

* I believe him to be the Godfather of Anthony and George (1st George) Gannam

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