Fun With Friends
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We have been and are very fortunate to have good friends who enjoy doing the same crazy things we do. Our website wouldn't be complete without a few photos of them.

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Panama City Beach - Clutch Reunion 1999
Mardi Gras at Unviersal Studios - 1999

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Christa and The McClain Family - Thanks for the memories

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New Year's Eve - 1998
STS 95 - John Glenn's Return to Space - October 1998

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The Rock n Roll High Cheerleaders - Halloween 1998
Blue Springs State Park - 1998

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We first brought Christopher to meet Ruthie in November of 1982 - he was 8 months old. Ashley's first time at Church Street Station's Rosie O'Grady's was at the age of 6 months! Ruthie watched the kids grow up - always pointing them out in the audience and making them feel special. We miss her.

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Left: Our wonderfully talented friend Clark Barrios was singing at Katie Belle's
in Lady Lake and he posed with Ashley for a photo for his website

Right: Clutch Reunion 2000 - Don't ever do what Martha Bull says!
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Or you could wind up looking like this!
(Satch I've gotta get a more flattering photo of you with us!)
(Gloria, I didn't forget you - we just usually didn't pose for photos!)

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