years past, I have been privileged to meet some very interesting people
- some famous, some who may some day become famous, and some who have
discovered that happiness can be found right there in your own backyard.
I hope you enjoy these few I have selected. There are many more including
astronauts, singers, actors and a hamburger king!
Mel Fisher - famous treasure hunter - finder of the Atoche - Key West
1998. I saw Mel in the Museum store in Key West and follwed him to
the parking lot. I told him I was a fan and asked if we could get
a photo. He took off a heavy gold chain from the Atoche and said since
I was wearing the "Queen's colors," I should wear it for
the photo. Really nice man!
Right: Rosie O'Grady's Red Hot Mama Miss Ruth Crews with Bob Snow
and Joe Kittenger - world famous aviator and test pilot. |
Dexter Redding - son of the great Otis Redding - working in Studio
B at Parc Records.
Right: Charlie Allen - the best country singer I've ever heard and
what a writer! Charlie has an album out - buy a copy on Amazon.com. |

the world over for his Engineering on Led Zepplin II, Jimmy Hendrix
and many, many major albums, Edwin "Eddie" Kramer was in
the studio working with Kyle Cook - Match Box 20. A very interesting
gentleman. |
of Jimmy Buffett and Mike Ramos (where's the hidden track?) on a copy
of the CD with the hidden track. I met Mike one Saturday afternoon
when he was working with Oliver on the video for Buffett's live album
at Century III. |
Ashley and Ashleigh met Howie Dorough of Backstreet Boys. Howie was
super nice and agreed to pose with the girls. Kevin also was
kind enough to autograph the new BSB Book.
Right: Kyle Cook - guitarist of the sensational Orlando based
group Match Box 20 was in the studio working on his own project and
signed my CD. What a nice guy! |

producer from Touched By An Angel sent a demo tape to Parc Records
when I worked there, and in talking with her, she became aware that
I loved the show. Obviously, the photo of "Andrew" is my
favorite! |
This is
perhaps my all time favorite! Edvard Radzinsky, famous Russian writer
of such books as "The Last Tzar," "Rasputin,"
"Stalin." Edvard spoke at UCF around 1988 and I had the
opportunity to take him to Disney World. While he was here, we tried
to explain Halloween and took him to Church Street Station's Halloween
Street Party. He had a great time! |