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Tabakian Photos
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Addison's Christening Day last Sunday, 21 October 2007.
Photo taken at Darren and Kim's.
L-R: Cindy Tabakian Strozier, Phyllis Saraf Tabakian McShane,
Addison Strozier, Darren Strozier.
George Tabakian, Jr., was the first to go multi-generational
in this photo with Grandpa Gannam, Grandma Mary Gannam Saraf Beecher,
Phyllis Saraf Tabakian, George and his son, Christopher George.
in the tub
on the car
at Christmas
Phyllis, Georgie and baby

L-R: Johnny, Uncle George and Georgie in the Smokey Mountains
circa 1958.

Christmas circa 1957. L-R: Georgie, Uncle George & Johnny,
Cindy and Kathy.
& Kathy?

Uncle George in the Smokey Mountains

Easter 1973 at
Grandma Beecher's. L-R: Johnny, Phyllis, George, Kathy. In front:
Charles, Michael
3rd Birthday Party

1957 at Hopkins Street
Sam andStephen Tootle, Grandma, Georgie Tabakian, Mary Ann Fischer.
Next row: Neil, Joey Haddad, Cindy Tabakian, Kim Fischer, Kathy
Tabakian, Iris Beecher
Phyllis' 80th Birthday Bash
April 2009

Aunt Phyllis and her kids. L-R: Charles, George, Cindy, Aunt
Phyllis, Johnny, Kathy, Michael
Phyllis' 80th Birthday Bash
April 2009

Aunt Phyllis and all her descendants. L-R: George and Sam,
Ben Kitchen, Jonathan Tabakian, Tom Hall, Chris Tabakian and son
Will, Stephanie Hall Kitchen with Avery, Chris' wife and Alex,
Ella and Aden Grace Kitchen, Marissa, Stacy and Charles Tabakian,
Hank and Phyllis, Kathy Hall, Laura, Jessica, Johnny and Caden
Tabakian, Cindy and Bobby Strozier, Ryan, Cyndy, Michael and Chelsey
Tabakian. George's daughter Kimberly - possibly the photographer.

Cindy?, Aunt Phyllis, Georgie, Uncle George, and Kathy on Hopkins
and George lived in Savannah at 2324 East 40th Street for many
years. Johnny and Georgie shared a bedroom that you walked through;
Cindy and Kathy shared a room on the back right corner, and the
room I liked best was Uncle George's office.
was on the front left corner of the house with jalousied windows
and pecked pine walls. In the midst of a house full of noisy kids,
it was a quiet haven to me. I would peek in and look at all his
things and think how smart he must be. I remember Uncle George
as an energetic man, a good father and a sportsman who loved going
out on the water in his boat with his sons.
was always intrigued about the short-lived part-time candy business
he and my father, Neil Fischer, had. I would have loved to have
seen them at work. Iris Beecher Smith shared her memories with
me: "I remember George and Neil making taffy in Moma's (Mary
Gannam Saraf Beecher) garage and parching peanuts in the parcher
out by the "cement
pool." (The garage was a huge building in the
backyard behind the house on Hopkins Street that included the
washroom, an enclosed room on the right side that had a window
looking out into Grandma's garden.)
was sad when Aunt Phyllis, Uncle George and the kids moved to North
Augusta. I missed Aunt Phyllis' laugh and being around "sisters."
I did visit them at 323 Lake Avenue in North Augusta, South Carolina
one summer. They had what seemed to me to be a huge house - 2 stories
with dormers in the bedrooms upstairs, an indoor laundry room and
a den for watching TV.
We had a
big dinner when my parents picked me up and I remember Aunt Phyllis
making yeast rolls that smelled wonderful cooking in the oven and
tasted even better. I remember that one year Thanksgiving fell on
Cindy's birthday - which totally confused me. For years I would
boast and tell people my cousin's birthday was on Thanksgiving,
not understanding the quizical looks they gave me until I was older.
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