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George Saraf - Business Photos



Left: According to the Jacksonville City Directories, business card and notation in his French/English Dictionary, George was in Jacksonville around 1921 residing and working out of a space at 309 1/2 West Forsyth Street. Right: According to the Detroit City Directories and classes George attended, he was in Detroit between 1922-1926, however, he is not listed in any city directories between 1920 and 1926. The person listed at 8289 Oakland Avenue is Louis Sohn, tailor. The address George used for his home address: 625 Smith is the residence of Henry Bobian, apparently a friend, perhaps a relative. George had Henry Bobian's business card and he resembles a man who appears in several photos which appear to be in Detroit.

Tailor Shop either at 309 1/2 West Forsyth in Jacksonville, Florida circa 1921
or 8289 Oakland Avenue, Detroit, Michigan around 1923.

Saraf store circa 1925.

Mary Gannam Saraf and George Saraf circa 1929
George A. Saraf - Candies and Confections
2019 Habersham Street, Savannah, Georgia


George's Triple Dip
1120 West Broad Street, Savannah, Georgia
George holding his son George

George's Tripple Dip circa 1938
1120 West Broad Street, Savannah, Georgia

George is standing in this photo about where he stood the night he was murdered - June 13, 1941. The mirror behind him was shattered by the bullet that killed him. Look closely and you can see his reflection.

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