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St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing
Graduating Class of 1935


Savannah Morning News in 1935.

     Members of the graduating class of St. Joseph's Hospital who received their diplomas on Tuesday at the graduating exercises at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. They are as follows: top row: Miss Margaret Elizabeth Peterson, Miss Carlotta Bridget McCabe, Miss Dorothea Wilheimina Fountain; middle row: Miss Eva Elizabeth Lee, Miss Anita Walker Cole, Miss Dorothy Mae Burch; bottom row: Miss Florence Eleanor Gildea, Miss Mary Cecelia Lovett, Miss Inez Elizabeth Coleman.

In an article in the Savannah Morning News in 2001, Erin Rossiter, a reporter for the paper, included the lyrics to the St. Joseph's Song, written by Patty B. Schreck. (Mrs. Schreck was the Music/Choral director at St. Vincent's Academy for Women in Savannah, Georgia and taught both my mother and me.)

St. Joseph's School of Nursing,
Thy Praises now we sing
All honor and all glory
To thee we always bring
You taught the art of healing
A world of pain and strife
You showed us by your guidance
The way, the truth, the life.
And as we leave these portals
May our prayer ever be
St. Joseph's Alma Mater
God, bless and prosper thee.

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