Grandma Kate and Aunt Honey and all the other folks who lived
in the big house on Wilmington Island was always a treat - in
more ways than one. Whenever it was time to leave, Grandma would
disappear into the little storeage room off the kitchen which
was carved out from the space under the staircase in the living
room. She would emerge with Date Bars, Mince Meat Cookies, Coconut
Macaroons, Sugar Cookies and fill a small box for us to take home.
It was always
amusing to me that we would leave the driveway being reminded
by my Dad to wave, but once out of eye shot we would tear open
that box and start passing out the cookies. We were not merely
indulged by my Dad but instructed by him to do so. None of those
cookies ever made it home.
I had always thought
that my Grandmother Katie Gildea Fischer had made the all the
cookies and cupcakes but I found out many years ago that my Great
Aunt Mary Gildea"Mamie" had worked for a baker at one
time and she and my Aunt Elizabeth Jane Gildea "Sr. Mary
Daria" did most of the baking. Aunt Daria and Aunt Honey
sent me some of their recipes, one handwritten, the other typed
on Aunt Honey's old manual typewriter. These are recipes you will
find below.
Now that they are all
departed from this earth, I can admit that I did not make nor
did I ever eat the Fruit Cake. That brick like Christmas delicacy
they sent each year was religated to the freezer until sufficient
time had elapsed to make my disposing of it a guilt-free necessity.