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Gildea Passenger Lists / Passports
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Mary GILDEA (Ivey)
Neil, Mary
Ivey, and their son Edward returning from London to Philadelphia.
Alien Passengers for the U. S. Immigration Officer at Port of
Resternland (?) sailing from Liverpool July 20th, 1904 Arriving
at Port of Philadelphia, July, 1904.
Lines 3, 4, 5. Niel Gildea, Mary Gildea, Edward Gildea (age 10).
Nationality: United States, U.S. Naturialized Citizen. Final Destination:
Savannah, Ga. Whether going to join a relative or friend, and
if so, what relative or friend, and his name and complete address:
120 Broaden St. [Broughton Street].
Gildea traveling on the same ship.
Line 7. Bridget Gildea, age 21, Single, Calling or occupation: Domestic.
Able to read and write, Nationality or country last permanent residence:
Ireland. Race or people: Irish. Last Residence: Donegal. Final destination:
Phila[delphia]. Whether having a ticket to such final destination:
yes; paid by self. Whether in possession of $50, and if less, how
much? $10. Whether ever before in the United States and if so when
and where? No. Whether going to join a relative or friend and if
so, what relative or friend and his name and complete address: With
Uncle Niel Gildea, Savannah. See page B 3 to 5.
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if this Edward Gildea is related but his father's name is Patrick
and mother is Mary and he is from Donegal.
Passport application. Form for Naturalized Citizen.
United States of America, State of Mass[achusetts], County of Suffolk.
I, Edward J. Gildea, a naturalized and loyal citizen of the United
States, hereby apply to the Department of State at Washington for
a passport to visit my mother in Ireland. I solemnly swear that
I was born at Donegal Ireland on 17th March 1888; that my father
Patk [Patrick] Gildea deceased, was born in Ireland and is now residing
at___________________; that I emigrated to the United States, sailing
from Londonderry about March 20, 1909; that I resided 10 years,
uninterruptedly, in the United States, from 1909 to 1919 at Boston
Mass; that I was naturalized as a citizen of the United States before
the District Court of United States at Boston, Mass, on June 26,
1916, as shown by the Certificate of Naturalization presented herewith;
that I am the identical person described in said Certifiacte; that
I have resided outside the United States since my naturalization
at the following places for the following periods _____ and that
I am domiciled in the United States, my permanet residence being
at 878 Harrison Ave. in the State of Mass, where I follow the occupation
of Baker. I am about to go abroad temporarily and intend to return
t the United States within 1 year with the purpose of residing and
performing the duties of citizenship therein; and I desire a passport
for the purpose of visiting the countries hereinafter named for
the following purpose: Ireland - To visit my mother.
Signed: Edward J. Gildea. Sworn to before me this 10th day of December
1919. |
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are all ships owned by the FRENCH LINE which picked up passengers from Beruit
and either departed Cherbourg or Le Harve, France. George Saraf sailed on the
Rochambeau which was also owned by the French Line.
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