Military Gannam
George K. Gannam
the World War II Memorial for service record information
6 June 2015 I received an email from Walt Santner with this message
about a CBS radio broadcast that featured the story of George Gannam:
I'm a retired Radio Broadcaster and collect Old Time Radio shows.
After listening to this program, I searched for info about George
Gannam, the first person described. You may listen
to and or download the entire program.
Best, Walt Santner
Public Service Broadcast Promoting Homefront Support of the War
Effort from
This sound recording is a Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) public
service program which featured Sergeant Alvin C. York, World War
I veteran, speaking from Knoxville, Tennessee; and Richard Martin
Scheuns, Sr., a German - American veteran of World War I, speaking
from Memphis, Tennessee. Barry Kroger was the narrator. |
page tribute in the Savannah Morning News - December 7, 2016
City of Savannah
Research Library and Municipal Archives - George Gannam
Digitized images of scrapbook with newspaper clippings, letters, etc.
Digitized images of personal items owned by George returned to the family
after his death.
Karam Gannam Papers - City of Savannah Research Library
In Action

Staff SGT.
was killed in the Japanese attack on Hickam Field, Hawaii,
becoming Savannah's first fatality of the present war.
He Becomes Savannah's
First Fatility of the War
Several Savannahians In War Are Safe
Staff Sergeant George
K. Gannam, 22-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Karam Gannam of Fifty-third
and Hopkins streets was killed in action in the defense of Hickam
Field near Honolulu, Hawaii, it was announced yesterday by the
army, becoming Savannah's first fatality in the present conflict.
Sergt. Gannam's parents,
who operate a store at Fifty-third and Hopkins streets were
notified of their son's death yesterday afternoon. The news
received from Fort McPherson stated that he had been "killed
in action." He was attached to headquarters squadron of
the Eighteenth Pursuit Group, stationed at Wheeler Field, Honolulu
several miles from Hickam Field.
A graduate of Benedictine
Military School where he made excellent record in military,
Sergt. Gannam enlisted in the army in August 1939. Besides both
parents he is survived by two brothers, Michael Gannam and Anthony
Gannam and one sister, Mrs. Mary Saraf, all of Savannah; and
another brother Nazer Gannam, who is in the United States navy
stationed at Norfolk, Va.
He will be buried in Hawaii
until after the war, it was announced by the army.
Morning News - Thursday, December 11, 1941
Gannam, Savannah's first casualty in World War No. 2, was killed
by the Japanese in their attack Sunday on Hickham Field, Hawaii.
Savannah will pay him tribute tomorrow at a requiem mass at
Sacred Heart Church.
Savannah Morning News - December 1941
of articles in the December 20, 1941 edition of the
Catholic Diocesan newspaper called the "Southern Cross."
Found on
Exercises at 53rd
and Hopkins Streets at Noon
noon today a flag which belonged to Sergeant George Gannam when
he was a member of a boys' club in Savannah will be raised on
a new flag pole at Fifty-third and Hopkins streets.
Sergeant Gannam,
Savannah's first war casualty, made the original flag pole when
he was a member of the boy's club. His father, Karem Gannam,
is giving the new pole.
Buglers from
the senior class of Benedictine and a detail of the school's
cadets will attend the flag raising. Sergeant Gannam was a graduate
of Benedictine.
The Mothers'
Club of Benedictine School and the Catholic Young People's Association
will place wreaths at the foot of the flag pole which is enclosed
by a fence.
Among those
taking part in the ceremony will be the Rev. Father Gregory
Eichenlaub, O.S.B., principal of Benedictine; Col. Fred Von
Kamp, cadet colonel of the Benedictine Battalion; Capt. A.M.
Gignilliat, Assistant P.M.S. and T., R.O.T.C. will attend.
Sergeant Gannam
died at Hickam Field, Honolulu, December 7, 1941.
"The Register,"
Catholic newspaper of Denver, Col., in the issue of today has
the following story of Sergt. Gannam:
"The heroic
death of another Catholic lad in the raid is related in the
Catholic Herald, Honolulu paper. George Gannam, a fine member
of the Holy Name Society, received communion from Father Sliney
at the 6:30 a.m. Mass. Badly wounded in the bombing, he was
taken to the army hospital. Father John K. Connelly, a chaplain
from the Sacramento diocese was passing up and down the wards
giving the Last Sacraments to the more seriously wounded. George
called to him, but the priest, seeing the boy's face unhurt,
asked him to wait. Finally he heard the soldier's confession
and gave him Extreme Unction and Viaticum.
"'How are you feeling?'
he asked. 'Not bad, Father,' came the answer with a smile."
"The priest lifted the blanket
and saw that almost all the lower part of his body had been
shot away. Before he died, he made sure that Father Conelly
would send his watch and money to his mother."
Savannah Morning News circa 1941
year since George's death, Benedictine cadets have raised a flag
on Pearl Harbor Day in memory of all the men who served their
country. The flag has been presented to a representative of the
Gannam Family each of those years. Here are some of the newspaper
articles written about these memorials.
via Proquest newspaper database
March 1985 edition of the Benedictine quarterly news magazine
"Cadence" reported on the 1984 remembrance of
Pearl Harbor Day at Benedictine Academy. Also, included is an
article about a clock that Grandpa Gannam donated to the school.
wrote his brother Nazer Gannam, then assigned to the Security
Division, Naval Air Station, Norfolk Virginia) on Wheeler
Field stationery on 3 December 1941
7, 1942 Gannam Portrait Presented in City Hall
On December 7, 1942, the first anniversary of the Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbor, a reception and memorial service were held in the
reception room of Mayor Thomas Gamble’s office at 1 o’clock in the
afternoon in City Hall in honor of those Savannah men who gave their
lives for their country. At this reception, a portrait of Staff
Sergeant George K. Gannam, Savannah’s first casualty of World War
II, was unveiled. The portrait was hung in the mayor’s reception
room, beneath the clock original to the room, as a lasting tribute
to all Savannahians who lost their lives for the cause of freedom
in the war.
Staff Sergeant Gannam, a first generation American and graduate
of Benedictine Military School, was killed in action on December
7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor. Following his death, Honolulu papers singled
him out as “a model of patience and courage in the face of danger.”
During the presentation of the portrait to the City, Father Gregory
Eichenlaub, principal of Benedictine, stated, “George Gannam was
a hero not because he did great things in the eyes of the world,
but because he did the ordinary things of life extraordinarily well.”
The ceremony opened with Robert F. Downing, city marshal, presenting
a bouquet of red roses to Gannam’s mother.
City Attorney Spence M. Grayson delivered the eulogy. Two Benedictine
cadets unveiled the portrait, one of Gannam in his uniform as staff
sergeant of the school surrounded by scenes from his military life
among the Benedictine cadets. Cadet Sergeant J. Goodwin, Jr. played
“Taps,” and Reverend John S. Wilder, of Calvary Baptist Temple,
delivered the benediction.
Mayor Thomas Gamble accepted the portrait on behalf of the City:
In accepting it for the city, I can assure all that it will be cherished
as a precious memorial dedicated to all American boys who fell in
line of duty in this war. As people enter this room and their attention
is drawn to the portrait of Sergeant Gannam, their thoughts will
revert to others who, like him, gave up their lives that freedom
might live.
Sources Curtis, Margaret. “Savannah to Remember Pearl Harbor at
Memorial Service.” Savannah Morning News (7 December 1942) 16:2.
“1942 Proves Banner Year for Production of First Line News.” Savannah
Morning News (2 January 1943) 12:2-3. “Sergt. Gannam’s Memory Honored.”
Savannah Morning News (8 December 1942) 14:2-4. |

1945 the American Legion Post 184 named for George K. Gannam,
holding memorial ceremonies at Benedictine Academy on Pearl Harbor
and the flag used in the ceremony was presented to Grandpa Gannam.

American Legion Post 184
Savannah, Georgia

Legion Post 184
Savannah, Georgia
Visit Post 184's web site
click on the link below.
Heart Awarded Gannam Posthumously
Sergt. George F.(sic) Gannam killed in the Pearl Harbor attack
on December 7, 1941, has been posthumously awarded the order
of the Purple Heart, according to a letter received by the hero's
parents from the War Department.
Savannah's first casualty of World War II,
the youth has been honored in ceremonies here and a framed photo-montage
of him hangs in the office of the Mayor at City Hall.
The letter pointed out that the Purple Heart
had been decreed for the young air corpsman who made the supreme
sacrifice in the defense of his country. The award was originated
by Gen. George Washington in the Revolutionary War and the one
for the Savannahian is expected to arrive here within a week.
Morning News circa 1942
regarding taped conversation with George.
If anyone has the tape, we can convert to digital audio so it can be shared.
Contact Kim below.
Phyllis Saraf Tabakian McShane
September 12, 2005
shall never forget the sadness and tremendous loss in our lives
when my father was murdered on June 13, 1941, my mother lost the
baby she was carrying right after his funeral, and George Gannam,
my uncle was killed at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. Then to add
further to these traumatic events, my grandmother, Annie Gannam
died in June 1943 from the unending grief she suffered after George
was killed.
I remember being at Grandpa and Grandma's house with mom and my
brothers and sisters on Dec. 7, 1941 and we were listening to
the radio in their living room. Suddenly, our close knit, simple,
and happy little world fell apart. News of the bombing of Pearl
Harbor bombarded our ears and fear filled our hearts as the horrified
reporters, Walter Cronkite was one of them, some with fear in
their voices, announced the terrifying events unfolding in that
once peaceful island.
Then the telegram came bearing the bad news of George's death.
No military person came by to break the news gently and with dignity,
just that terrible little envelope delivered by the Western Union
delivery boy. My grandmother broke down crying hysterically, and
my strong and hard working grandpa just looked dazed as he tried
to grasp what was happening, tears flowing pitifully down his
The next most traumatic moment was when George's belongings arrived,
carefully packed in a wooden crate. We were all together as Anthony
and Mike opened it. My poor grandmother could hardly bear it as
they removed a shell purse that George had bought her for Christmas,
and pictures of the family were removed, and a hula skirt and
top was there for me as well as many other gifts for members of
the family. He also had a diary, and prayer book,and rosary. George
was a very spiritual young man and he loved his God and his family.
Grandma could not stop grieving for her son, and she never was
the same again.
She had been a cheerful woman, happy with cooking her delicious
Lebanese meals for her family, baking tubloads of pita bread,
washing their clothes in a big iron pot over a raging fire in
the back yard, and having them all hanging on the line at 5 o'clock
in the morning. We could see them all hanging on the line when
we woke up in the morning to go to school, as we lived right next
door. She never complained about all the work she had to do and
how she worked from daybreak to night. And then her grief took
her to her grave .
wrote a poem
about George and his mother Annie Abraham Gannam in 1943
after her death.
Gannam Saraf Beecher lived next door to her father, their houses
separated only by Grandpa's garden and a fence in the back yard.
To me it was a wonderful little farm with chickens, trees full
of "bairs" from which my Grandmother made the best cobbler
and preserves I've ever eaten, pecan trees, vegetables and beautiful
flowers. My Aunt Iris and I are only a year apart, so I spent
the night at Grandma's house many times when I was a child and
was able to spend time with my Great Grandfather. He was always
anxious to share with us stories of his life in the foundry, his
wisdom and thoughts on life (along with candy cigarettes, red
wax lips and an ice cold Coca Cola from his store).
I was a child, I never fully understood the trauma that befell
the family when George died. The only thing I knew was that my
Uncle George was the first man from Savannah to die in World War
II. I did not realize that Grandpa had erected the flagpole that
stood in the little "park" across the street from his
home as a memorial to his son. I did, however, watch him on many
occasions raising and lowering that flag with more care, love
and reverence than I have ever seen anyone doing anything.
I have read the newspaper stories and Phyllis' remembrances about
George's death and my heart aches thinking of the family reading
those words and learning of his final moments perhaps from that
same newspaper. Now I understood the love, the care, the reverence
Grandpa had for that Flag for it not only represented this Country
but his precious son.
Kim Marie Fischer Peters
September 11, 2005
Military Gannam