Gannam Homes

Gannam about his mother Annie Abraham and living on the farm - 1987
"For seven years we lived in a shanty house that would be condemned
today. I was describing to someone this house the other day. I invited that person
to go with me for a Sunday drive and we went as far as Springfield and I didn't
find one house that would match ours for its deplorable condition. It leaked all
over; it had no inside walls except for single walled partitions and no ceilings.
There was one inside door and the outside doors were all barn doors. The heat
was provided by a wood stove and a fireplace. We studied by the fireplace and
a kerosene lamp. And the plumbing - that consisted of a shallow well pump in the
back yard; a bucket of water on the back porch with a wash basin and a one hole
"John" through the back gate and down the path. A #3 tub by the kitchen
stove was our "Jacuzzi" and momma made all this a home for us."
Annie Abraham Bio |