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Kim's Yellow Baby Book
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I have two baby books, each with pretty much the same
information, however, they differ a little in content.
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what you'd call a real looker!) |

A Baby Book
for Kim Marie Fischer
Your coming brings to your small world
such gladness, Baby Dear!
And all things sweet and beautiful
are ours, now you are here.
from Mama and Daddy
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Kim was Christened on December ____, 1954 at Blessed Sacrament
(This is noted in the other baby book as well, but other documents
indicate I was baptized on 28 November 1954)
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Joseph Fischer, a girl, weight 7 lbs.,
13 oz.
20 3/4 inches long at 12:51 oclock in the afternoon on Thursday
4th of November, 1954, in Savannah, Ga. Doctor Hiram F. Sharpley,
Telfair Hospital.
Page 3
Father: Neil Joseph Fischer. Grandparents: Catherine Gildea Fischer
and John George Fischer. Great Grandparents: Catherine Fischer
and John Frederich Fischer; Mary Ivey Gildea and Neil Gildea.
Mother: Mary Ann Saraf Fischer. Grandparents: Mary Gannam Saraf
and George A. Saraf. Great Grandparents: Annie A. Gannam and Karem
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Baby's Footprints
and Fingerprints.
Right foot and right hand at 15 months.
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Grandma Kate - $5.00
Mamie Gildea - Mattress pads
John "Buddy" Fischer - Blanket
Philip Saraf - Christening dress
Henry & Virginia Huber - dress
Mimi Mataxas - sweater set
Catherine Valenti - sweater
Mary Valenti - dress and slip
Joyce & Bootsie Fischer - Party rubbers
Nancy Morrissey Shea - crib toy
Gandpa Gannam - Johnson set
Isabelle Powers Killorin - silk Sac
Joann Ulivo Adams - White doggie
Sister Mary Daria - Bib, medal, crib medal
Mike and Marian Gannam - Dress
Phyllis and George Tabakian - comb and brush set
Ray Clanton - flowers
George & Lillian Lindsey - Fruits
Mr. & Mrs. Valenti - flowers
Henry & Virginia Huber - flowers
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Birth 1 ft., 8 3/4 in.
1 week - 20 3/4"
2 weeks - 21"
1 mo. 1 ft., 10 in.
2 mos. 2 ft.
2 yrs. 3 ft., 1 in.
Kim was a very long baby at birth and has always been tall for
her age. She's going to be tall like mama and daddy.
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Birth 7 lbs., 13 oz.
1 wk. 7 lbs, oz.
2 wks. 7 lbs., 15 oz.
4 wks. 9 lbs., 11 oz.
3 mos. 14 lbs.
4 mos. 17 lbs., 3 oz.
6 mos. 18 lbs., 13 oz.
Kim has
always been a good sized baby. She eats good and she's fat and
healthy and mama and daddy are very proud of her.
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Kim was a healthy baby and always had a healthy appetite. Kim
ate very much and ate any and everything up until she was a little
over a year. Then she quit eating and didn't start back again
until she was 2 years old. I was so worried about her but not
eating didn't seem to affect her too much. She's still a big healthy
girl and a picture of health.
Kim always loved butter and she eats it by the spoonful.
Kim was never on the doctor's feeding schedule. I fed her when
she was hungry and gave her any thing to eat that wouldn't hurt
her. As a baby kim loved potatoes and butter, okra & tomatoes,
hot dogs, fruits and fresh vegetables and bananas.
As she got older her likes were rice and gravy, hot dogs, hamburgers,
raisins, bananas, salad, and fresh fruits & vegetables and
"baby marshmallows." She likes cookies at times but
Kim has never been to crazy about candy and ice cream.
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Immunized against
Whooping cough - Jan. 25, 1955; Feb. 25, 1955, Booster shot
July 16, 1956
Diptheria - March 24, 1955
Small Pox - April 28, 1955
Measle Shot - Dec. 1st, 1955
Polio Shots - Jan 11, 1956; Feb. 8, 1956
3rd Polio Shot
Kim was a very good girl and never cried with first shots. Shots
never bothered Kim much, only made her a little restless. Her
vaccination gave her a little fever. Scab fell off on 20th day,
a second scab formed and fell on the 24th day and a 3rd scab
fell on the 28th day. Kim had measles - December 27 1955 - Jan.
1st, 1956. Kim was a very sick baby with infected throat and
intestinal flu Jan. 21-27, 1956. Kim was very very sick with
"Infectious croupe" in May1956.
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3 & 4 months - white doggie with red bow.
Kim mostly liked to play with bottles and tops, cans, spoons,
and other things I would give her from around the house.
5 months - rag doll
1 year - Connie doll, Bo Bo - clown, red wagon, rocky horse, tricycle
1 ½ years - Kim loves her Doll Sandy. She always sleeps with her.
2 years - tea set, peg boards, dolls & doctor kit.
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Daddy and Grandmama
Rose Saraf
Retta Russell
Antoinette Saraf
Phyllis Tabakian
Grandma Kate
Philip Saraf
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jenkins
Mary Valenti
Mrs. Inez Rogers
Ruth McManus
Joyce & Bootsie Fischer
George & Lillian Lindsey
Jean Sollar
Henry & Virginia Huber
Catherine Valenti
Mimi Mataxas
Mary Lou Palmer
George and Antoine Saraf
Sam Tootle
Polly Gannam
Grandpa Gannam & Aunt Lizzy
Fischer and Lynne Grant
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& Events
Smile - November 9, 1954
Kim has always been a happy laughing baby. Kim has a beautiful
Tooth - August 5, 1955
Kim cut her teeth very slowly. Kim cut her last 4 jaw tteth at
2 1/2 years.
Word - Da Da 5 months
After that first Da Da Kim never quit talking. She picked up words
quickly and we think she talked very well very early. Kim's first
sentence was "Mama, I tee tee." 12 months.
Step - 9 months
Kim could stand and walk with help from 4 months. At 9 1/2 months
our Kim was walking. We think she walked very early and we are
very proud of our daughter.
First drank from cup - 3 months. Drank from cup alone Aug. 1,
First ate from spoon - Dec. 11, 1954
First fed self with spoon - 1 year
First recognized pictures (animals) - 10 months
First rolled over - 2 months
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& Events
Ride - Nov. 18, 1954 - Aunt Phyllis & Dr. Mazo.
During summer Kim rode to Wilmington Island & South Carolina.
She loves riding in the car.
Beach - April 26, 1955 - Mama & Mimi Mataxas
Kim went to the beach several times during first summer and
she loves it and the "big water."
First reached for object - Dec. 25, 1954
First sat up alone - 6 months 3 weeks
First ran - 10 months
First climbed on chair - 1 year
First followed moving object with eyes - Nov. 10, 1954
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Our Kim is one of the most active children ever born. She
loves to play and she loves Mama and daddy to play with her. She
loves to play rough and she likes noise. She used to be happy
with her baby toys and with mama & daddy roughing her up.
Now (1 yr.) she loves to dig and make mud cakes and play outdoors.
She loves to ride her rocky horse, tricycle, and ride in her wagon.
2 years - Kim loves to play house and doctor with the older children.
She loves to play with her dolls. Kim likes to write and color
and write on her slate. She likes per peg sets and picture puzzles.
She loves to swing on her gym set and see saw. Kim still loves
to ride her rocky horse and read books. She also loves to help
mama work. Our Kim is a very active an intelligent child.
Kim has always loved to bathe. She loves water any way she can
get it and has gotten a many a beating for playing in water and
soaking herself. But she's such a doll!
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From the
time Kim was very young she loved animal sounds and she even
learned to make the sounds very well at an early age. She loves
stories about animals - Doggies, Kitties, Horsies. She also
loves stories about Babies.
At a year and a half Kim began to like songs and wanted me to
sing all the time. She could remember and even sing such things
as "Rock a Bye Baby" "Sing a song of Sixpence",
"See Saw" and other little Nursery Rhymes.
She also loves to sit down and look at magazines and books and
talk about what's on the pages.
2 years old - Kim will drive you crazy telling her stories.
Mama and daddy have to tell her stories constantly. Her favorites
now are - The Three Little Pigs, Red Riding Hood, Three Bears,
Susan, Three Billy Goats.
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Kim is a lovable, affectionate, sensitive, sharing little
girl. She was always lvoing other children and was always willing
to share anything she had. She's always very observant and alert
and intelligent. She notices things quickly and grasps things
that are told to her very quickly. She never forgets things she's
Kim has always been a very understanding
child. From the time she was very young mama and daddy could explain
things to her and she would listen and understand. Its' always
been very easy to reason with Kim and teach her right from wrong.
Mama and daddy talk about Kim very often and we think she is a
very smart and unusual little girl and we are very very proud
of our little Kim. Mama and daddy are actually amazed sometimes
at some of Kim's questions, answers, or statements.
Kim is also a very determined child.
Once she makes up her mind to do something she does it whether
she gets a beating for it or not.
Kim's "outstanding" characteristic
was staying awake. She never required much sleep. She seldom took
a nap and never went to sleep at night until 12:00 and 1:00. We
tried everything on her and nothing worked. All of a sudden at
2 1/2 years Kim started going to bed at 8:00 and 9:00.
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Mischief describes our Kim perfectly. She's always into some
thing. I think the bathroom is her chief mischief room. She played
in the toilet, climbed in and out of the tub, turned on the water
and played with the toothpaste and toothbrushes.
Our Kim also entertained herself
quite well in the kitchen. She was forever playing in the cabinets
and in the stove and pulling out all of the pots and pans and
soap suds and cleansers. Kim also had a mania for the garbage
can. She was forever getting a spanking for playing and eating
As she got older Kim's chief mischief
was taking off her shoes a hundred times a day. Then she became
very interested in mama's make-up and cosmetics and medicines.
Everytime I looked at Kim she was putting on lipstick, powder
or eye pencil or she had gotten to the medicine and was eating
aspirins or rubbing vaseline all over her.
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Aunt Iris Beecher
Cousins George Tabakian, Cathy Tabakian, Cindy Tabakian
Cousins Neil Russell, Pat Russell, Chris Russell
Cousin Frankie Fischer
Jenny Dellinger
Janet Cotner
Joey Haddad
Kim loves
children and has the biggest time with them. No matter how large,
she's just as old as they are; she can keep right up with them
and do anything they can do.
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are Kim's first party invitations. The first was from Cookie
Mataxas (across street) who was 9 years old on May 21st and
our Kim being only 6 months old did not attend. The second was
from Donna Pinckney on May 28. Donna was only 4 years old and
Kim was going but mama didn't feel well so she didn't make it
to that one either.
Kim's first real party was her
own on Nov. 4, 1955 at Gradmama's house. Then she went to Bubba's
and Cathy's party in Jan. 1956 where she had a wonderful time
riding the Merry-Go-Round and playing with the children and
Kim went to Donna Pinckney's Birthday
Party on May 28, 1956. She was very shy at first but when she
got used to everyone she really let loose and had a wonderful
Kim went to Frankie Fischer's
Birthday Party on June 21, 1956. She had a very good time. Kim
went to Iris' Birthday Party (Weiner roast and hay ride) on
Jan. 25, 1957. She had a wonderful time.
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Birthday - November 4, 1955
Grandmama & Mama baked Kim a cake and had a little party at
Grandmama's house. Kim loved it and had a wonderful time. Iris,
George, Cathy, Cindy, Chubby, Sissy, Pat, Neil & Chris came.
Gifts: Grandmama - shirt & corduroy pants, Phyllis & George
Big beautiful doll, Retta & Joe - Dollar, Grandma Kate - Dollar,
Daddy - little toys.
Second Birthday - November 4, 1956
Mama baked Kim a three layer Birthday Cake and mama, Kim and Bubba
Neil went out to Granmama's and had cake and ice cream.
Iris and Bubba, Cathy and Cindy were there. Everyone enjoyed the
little party very much.
Gifts: Mama & Daddy - tea set, Grandmama & Philip - tea
set, Grandma Kate - dollar, Phyllis - panties, Marlene - alligator
hat and box of balloons, Sister Daria - dress.
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Little invitation
top left: received two of the same style invitations.
Date Saturday, May 28th, Time 3:30 o'clock to 5:30 o'clock;
Place 2101 Brentwood Dr., Name Donna Pinckney 3rd Birthday.
R.S.V.P. 3-7637
Date 21, Time 2:00 o'clock to 4:00 o'clock, Place 2313 Arlene
Ave., Name Cookie
Bottom invitation
is from Steve Rahal's 4th birthday.
Date Fri.
Mar. 16, Time 3 p.m., Place 2281 Armstrong Dr, Daffin Heights,
2 ponies will be here from 3-4 p.m. Won't you come too for Stevie's
4th birthday.
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December 25, 1954
Our Kim was only a month and a half for her first Xmas. We spent
Xmas Eve and most of Xmas day at Grandmama's. Xmas afternoon
we visited Grandma Kate, Aunt Phyllis & Uncle George, and
Aunt Retta & Uncle Joe.
Gifts: George & Lillian Lindsey - Sweater, Hat & booties;
Buddy & Lynn Fischer - Duck bath soap; Ray Clanton - Donkey;
Retta & Joe - Nite lite; Sister Daria - Sac & medals;
Grandma Perky - Gown; Grandmama - shoes; Grandma Kate - Sweater;
Phillip - ducky for bath; Phyllis & George - bottle holder
& blanket pins; Henry & Virginia Huber - Swiss bells;
Mrs. Huber - sweater
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December 25, 1955 - Kim's Second Christmas
Kim was thrilled with the Xmas tree and all the Xmas decorations.
Kim had a wonderful second Christmas and enjoyed every minute
of it. She stayed with Aunt Phyllis and Uncle George Xmas Eve
while mama and Daddy went to midnight Mass and then she came home
and found what Santa Claus had left her under the tree. She got
so excited she didn't know which way to turn. Santa left her so
many toys: red wagon, Doll, Rocky horse, train, musical top, musical
pull toy, and many little things.
She also got so many nice gifts: Grandmama - red slippers; Phyllis
& George - dress; Buddy & Lynn - hat; Philip - musical
clown; Rose & Sam - doggie pull toy; Ray Clanton - Playskool
blocks & spools; Joyce & Bootsie - Boy doll; Aunt Honey
& Joan - Training pot; Grandma Kate - rompers and bib; Retta
and Joe - dollar.
We had dinner with Grandmama and visited Grandma Kate and Aunt
Retta and Uncle Joe. Then we went to open house at Aunt Lynn's
and Uncle Buddy's where Kim really showed off and was the life
of the party.
December 25, 1958 - Our Kim's Third Xmas!
Kim had her Bubba Neil this Xmas. This was a wonderful Xmas for
Kim and on Xmas morning she was so excited when she saw all the
toys she just didn't know what to do with herself. Santa brought
Kim a bike, 2 tables & 4 chairs, a big doll carriage, dolly
nursette, puzzles, peg board, clothes, pajamas, slippers, stocking
full of toys, lots of little toys.
Gifts: Grandmama - dress; Philip - moo cow; Grandma Kate - pajamas;
Aunt Retta - dolly diaper bag; Aunt Lynn - xylephone; Aunt Joyce
- doll; Marlene & Joe - xylephone; Aunt Phyllis - peg set;
Aunt Rose - panties, Virginia & Henry - books.
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Kim could count to 10 at 17 months old and has recited nursery
rhymes and sung children's songs since she was a year. She is
a very intelligent child. Kim could recite the alphabet at 2
1/2 years.
Kim went to Dr. Mazo and had a checkup before school She was
in perfect health.
First Day - St. James School
Kim was very excited on her first day of school. Mama had to
take her and leave. The sisters wouldn't let the mothers stay.
Notes: Kim was very smart all through 1st grade.
- Ellen Bean
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