Happy Days
with our Baby
Baby Story; record from birth to seven years.
Illustrated by Doris E. Henderson
Copyright 1953, C.R. Gibson and Company, Norwalk, Conn.
When I
became pregnant in the Summer of 1981, I asked Mother for my baby
book so I could compare what I was like as a baby to my first
baby to be born in March 1982.
I learned
at that time that the baby books were somewhere in the garage.
I finally got that book in August 2010, 29 years later and the
baby is now 29 years old.
Only pages
with notations are included here. Click on the image to the left
to view a full size image to read the notations or read the transcriptions
to the right of the image.
Most of the pages appear to have been completed by Daddy.

a Girl
date: November 4, 1954
time: 12:51 P.M.
place: TelFair Hospital
doctor: Hiram F. Sharpley
notes: Arrived after only 3 hours waiting. Just what Mommy
+ Daddy wanted - A healthy Little Girl. Call me "Kim."
Page 2
First Home
address: 2316 Arlene Ave.
description: Two Bedroom Bungalow. White asbestos siding
& black roof & big red fire plug on front lawn.
Page 4
John Frederick Fischer - great grandfather
Catherine Fischer - great grandmother
Neil Gildea
- great grandfather
Mary Ivey Gildea - great grandmother
John George Fischer - grandfather
Catherine Gildea Fischer - grandmother
Neil J. Fischer - father
Mary Ann Saraf Fischer - mother
George A. Saraf - grandfather
Mary Gannam Saraf - grandmother
Karem Gannam - great grandfather
Annie A. Gannam - great grandmother
Page 5 |
The New
weight at birth - 7 pounds 13 ounces
at birth - 20 3/4"
of hair - very little
of hair - light brown
- fair
- Cute little pumpkin. Blue eyes and hardy appetite!!!
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and notes
Sister Mary Daria, Phyllis Tabakian
Mrs. R. E. Jenkins
Mrs. Virginia Huber
Mrs. Henry Pickney (Eleanor)
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Grandma "Kate" $5.00
Mamie Gildea - Mattress pads
John "Buddy" Fischer - Blanket
Philip Saraf - Christening Dress
Henry & Virginia Huber - Dress
Mimi Mataxas - Sweater Set
Catherine Valenti - Sweater
Mary Valenti - Dress & Slip Set
Joyce & Boot's - Party Rubbers
Nancy Morrissey Shea - Crib Toy
Grandpa & Aunt Lizzy - Johnson Set
Isabelle Powers Killerin - Silk Sac
Joann Ulivo Adams - White Doggie
Sister Mary Daria - Bib, medal & crib medal
Mike & Marian Gannam - Dress
Ray Clanton - Flowers
George & Lilian Lindsey - Fruits
Mr. & Mrs. Valenti - Flowers
Henry & Virginia Huber - Flowers
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the first visitors
Daddy & Grandma Mary
"Rosie" Saraf
Retta Russell
Antoinette Saraf
Phyllis Tabakian
Grandma "Kate"
Joyce & Boots
George & Lillian Lindsey
Jean Sollar
Henry & Virginia Huber
Catherine Valenti
Mimi Mataxas
Mary Lou Palmer
George, Antoine & Philip Saraf
Sammy Tootle
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Taken by Royce Photo Co date Nov. 5 - 1954
notes From the position of her right leg
just got her first look at her
"FAMILY TREE." Down Girl!!!
Image adjusted to counter fading. Click for a better look! (Not
what you'd call a real looker!)
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and Weight
at birth
1 week
2 weeks
1 month
12 weeks
4 months, 3 weeks
5 months
6 months
1 year
14 months, 1 week
20 3/4"
20 3/4"
7 pounds 13 ounces
7 pounds 7 ounces
7 pounds 15 ounces
9 pounds 11 ounces
14 pounds
17 pounds 3 oz.
17 pounds 3 1/2 oz.
18 pounds 13 oz.
24 pounds 3 1/2 oz.
25 pounds
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Upper Right
1 central incisor August 5, 1955
2 lateral incisor November 25, 1955
3 canine (eye tooth) July
4 first molar March 17
Lower Right
1 central incisor August 15, 1955
2 lateral incisor September 8, 1955
Upper Left
1 central incisor August 23, 1955
2 lateral incisor November 25, 1955
3 July
4 March 1, 1956
Lower Left
1 central incisor June 30, 1955
2 September 23, 1955
4 Jan. 24, 1956
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age 2 weeks
6 A.M. Nurse Me Mommy
9:30 A.M. Gets her bath
10:00 A.M. Nurse me again Mommy.
2 P.M. Nurse me once again Mommy.
6:00 P.M. Lets cry Mommy.
10:00 P.M. Yep! I'm still crying. You're joking Mommy, Daddy doesn't
have to work tomorrow!!!! Let's all cry?
age 4 months
6:30-7:30 Wakes up, plays, eats breakfast. Plays. Goes out.
Sometimes takes a nap.
12:00-1:00 Eats lunch. Plays. Goes Out. Sometimes takes a nap.
Goes out.
5:00-6:00 Eats supper. Plays. Bathes.
7:00 Eats with Mama and Daddy. Plays with Daddy.
8:00-9:00 Goes to bed.
age 6 months
6:00-7:30 Wakes up - plays.
7:00-8:00 - Breakfast. Plays - goes out.
9:00-9:30 Nap.
11:00-11:30 Jello & milk
12:00-2:00 Lunch. Sometimes naps.
3:00 orange juice. Plays & goes out.
5:00-6:00 Supper & naps.
6:00-8:00 Bath
Goes to bed anytime from 8:00 to 12:00
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first solid food Dec. 11 - 1954
first smile Nov. 8 - 1954
first followed moving object iwth eyes Nov. 10 - 1954
first rolled over 2 months from tummy to back
first reached for object Dec. 25, 1954
first sat up without support 6 months 3 weeks
first stood with help 4 months
first stood alone 9 months
first step 9 months
first walked with help 4 months
first walked alone 9 1/2 months
first ran 10 months
first climbed on chair 1 year
first climbed stairs 1 year
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first word
Da Da 5 months
first sentence about 12 or 13 months - the sentence was "Mama,
I tee tee."
first drank from cup 3 months. Drank alone from cup aug. 1,
first ate from spoon Dec. 11 - 1954
first used spoon to feed self 1 year
first recognized object in picture about 10 or 11 months. The
object was doggie - duckie - animals
other first experience and achievements
Nov. 18 - 1954 Took first auto ride. went to see Aunt Phyllis's
& Dr. Mazo's office.
First trip to Savannah Beach with Mama & Mimi Mataxas -
April 26, 1955
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5 months
Loves children and people. Has a very happy disposition. Has a
bad temper. Loves noise & racket.
1 yr. Kim's very active, gay, and happy. She seems to be very
smart and takes to new things quickly.
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first illness measles December 27, 1955 - Jan. 1, 1956
others Infected throat and intestinal flue (she was a
very sick baby) Jan. 21-27, 1956
Protective Measures - immunizations and innoculations
25, 1955
25, 1955
24, 1955
Vaccination (smallpox) April 28, 1955
Measle shot around Dec. 1st
Polio shots Jan. 11 - Feb. 8 - Sept.
Kim cried very little with her shots. She's a very good
little girl. Her vaccination gave her a fever between the 8
and 10 days and made her a little restless but otherwise she
had no trouble. Scab fell off on 20th day. A new small scab
formed and fell off on 24 day. 3rd scab fell on 28 day.
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favorite stories
animal sounds
songs baby liked
Very young 2 and 4 months - Davy Crockett
best loved toys
3 & 4 months - white doggie with red bow
5 months - rag doll
favorite pastimes
rocky horse
reading "bookies"
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George, Cathy, Cindy
Neil, Chris, Pat
other friends
Jenny Delinger
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by auto
Wilmington Island
South Carolina
Savannah Beach
River - Cason's
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date Nov. 4, 1955
Little party at Grandmama's
Iris, George, Cathy, Cindy, Chubby, Sissy, Neal, Chris, &
Pat came.
Kim loved
it and had a wonderful time.
Harold & Grandmama - shirt and corduroy pants
Phyllis - big beautiful dolly
Joe and Retta - $1.00
Daddy - little toys
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Spent Christmas eve and most of Christmas day with Grandma
Visited Grandma Kate at Wilmington Island, Aunt Phyllis &
Uncle George,
and Retta and Joe.
Ray Clanton - Doggie
Retta & Joe - Nite lite
Sister Daria - Sac & Medals
Grandma Perky - Gown
Grandma Kate - Sweater
Grandma Saraf & Rosie - shoes
Philip - duck for bath
Phyllis & George - bottle holder and blanket pins
Henry & Virginia - Swiss bells
Mrs. Huber - Sweater
George & Lillian - Sweater, Hat, Booties
Buddy & Lynne - Duck bath soap
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Roman Catholic
Kim was Christened at one month at Blessed Sacrament Church.
*Baby books mention one month and December 1954, however, certificate
indicates 28 November 1954. |
notes in the back of the book and on additional notebook paper
in the back of the book.
Infant - Hair was dark. Colic - cried all the time;
slept very little. We held and walked her day & night. Constipated
a good bit. Started Tivisol at 3 weeks. Bathed in bath pan on
dining room table.
1 month - Same
2 months - Same. Toward the end of 2nd month she started
getting a little better. Slept more - didn't cry quite so much
and started laughing and playing with me a little.
12 wks. Kim found hands. Started bathing in kitchen sink.
Coos and plays and laughs. Notices objects real well. Turns
over by herself.
4 months
She's as cute as a doll. Hair is starting to grow and she's
going to be a blonde, we think. It's getting lighter every day.
She makes all sorts of noises now and plays pretty well. She
can roll over and over now.
Kim has a ferocious
appetite and we are really thankful. She loves her stroller
and I keep her out in the sun as much as possible. She has a
beautiful suntan already. She loves being around people and
always puts on a show for them.
Our Kim's a living doll! But
she has a horrible temper and wants her way. And she loves to
be held and that I do practically all day. She has the most
beautiful smile, the prettiest laugh and the cutest expressions.
Found feet and tries to play with them. Kim loves her stroller
but never sits - she must stand. Kim loves animals especially
5 months
Pulls my hair constantly & loves it. Cute as can be.
Strong as an ox. Trying to cut teeth. Crawled a few inches April
14. Kim loves to stand and she does it well. She can stand with
her hands on a chair - alone. She actually takes steps with
someone holding her up. She makes all sorts of sounds - she
acts like she's trying to talk.
Everything she sees she
has to touch or pick up. April 16, Kim went to Doctor Mazo with
severe cold. We moved Kim into her own room April 12. She never
fussed about it.
When Kim was about 5 1/2
months I started bathing her in bathtub and she loves it. She
also started saying Da Da but we don't believe she really knows
what it means yet. Kim's a tall baby, very healthy and loves
to eat. She wants to touch everything she sees.
6 months
She still doesn't crawl but rolls over and over to move.
Learned to sit alone. Crawled backwards. Knows what Da Da means
and who he is. Plays good and loves to play in tub. Trying to
Seven Months
Kim's learning to crawl forwards little by little. She now
says Ma Ma but I don't think she knows yet what she's saying.
She says words that sound like Baby, Bubba and bottle. Kim's
as cute as a bug! She's a little ruffian.She laughs so hard
and loud and she loves to play rough. Kim loves to listen to
animal sounds. Around the 1st of June Kim had a chest infection
and Dr. Mazo gave her medicine which fixed her up fine and she's
doing fine now.
Well she finally crawls!
Now Kim pulls up on furniture and she's into everything now.
She also says Hi and Hey. June 30, Kim's first tooth was peeping
through. Now she's big, beautiful, playful and loves daddy and
ma ma very much.
Eight Months
Kim came down with a chest infection. Dr. Mazo gave her two
penicillan shots and they did the trick. This was Kim's first
time to take penicillan.
Kim is growing so fast!
She loves to play rough and dance with daddy. She's making more
and more sounds every day. She says dog now. She was getting
into everything so daddy got her a playpen. She likes it okay!
Kim's getting lots of hair now
and its still blonde and it is curling. She's just simply beautiful
and a living doll. She's trying hard to walk. She pulls up and
can stand alone for just a second and then bam!! Kim pat-a-cakes
all the time for mama and daddy.
9 months
Kim stands fairly well alone now and she's starting to take
steps. She's just a doll and pretty as a picture. (I guess mama
and daddy are just partial!) Kim seems to have trouble sleeping
at night and wakes up scared. So she's been sleeping in bed
with mama and daddy for a few nights. She'll get straightened
out before long we hope.
Kim has the cutest expressions
and makes more noises now. She's really growing up. She got
three new teeth this month. We took her to Wilmington on Neil's
vacation and she enjoyed the water very much, but she got her
hands and feet full of splinters on the dock and Aunt Retta
and mama had a time getting them out. She survived!
She loves Iris to death
and they play very well together. She also rides Iris' rocky
horse now and loves it.
Ten Months
Daddy has now taught Kim to say Lordy, Lordy, Lordy! She
makes the funniest and most awful faces anymore. I don't know
where she's getting them from.
Kim is now walking and she
looks precious doing it. She finally waves and says bye-bye.
She just acts so grown any more and I just can't believe I have
a daughter doing the things she does. It seems just yesterday
she was an infant.
Eleven Months
Kim is in to everything now. She's going through a stage now
- she's gotten very bad and doesn't listen to Mama or daddy
any more. She has leared to dig with her spoon and bucket and
she loves it. However, she eats dirt as fast as she digs it.
She also climbs the steps before you can turn around. She has
fallen twice but hasn't hurt herself seriously.
Kim is trying her best to talk
and will repeat almost anything you say. She has repeated a
couple of bad words so far
(sh*t - dern).
My daughter is so grown any more
- with other children she thinks she's as big as they are. I
just don't have a baby any more.
Twelve Months
Kim talks up a storm anymore in her own baby talk. She has now
learned to wipe her nose with Kleenex and she's trying real
hard to blow. She also puts her wet diapers in the bucket for
Kim now runs to meet Daddy at
the door and she loves to play with him at night with her toys.
She's really growing up now. She'll repeat any word you say
and she's trying to make sentences. She dances all the time,
climbs on everything in or out side and she's learning to feed
herself. She's also using the toilet very well now. Kim is a
very smart child and very affectionate and lovable. She loves
to play now and really enjoys her toys. Most of all she loves
her "Bookies." Our Baby's growing up! She's beautiful!
13 Months
Kim's second Christmas. She was really excited over everything.
She loved the tree and decorations. She loves her toys and plays
with them well. Kim got the measles on Dec. 27 but didn't have
a bad case because she had had the shot. She's fine now and
learning new tricks everyday.
14 Months
Kim fell on the floor furnace and burned her hand. It got infected
but I think its going to be okay now. Kim went to Dr. Mazo's
for a check up Jan. 11 and she's a very healthy little girl.
She had her first Polio shot.
Kim was a very sick little girl
Jan. 21 thru 27 with an infected throat and intestinal flu.
She had over 104 temp once and couldn't keep anything to eat
or drink on her stomach for 4 days. She's fine now and a perfect
doll. She's so grown now, talks up a storm and does "anything
in the book." Her favorite pastimes now are rocking in
the rocking chair (rock-a-bye-baby), playing in the tub and
talking on the phone. She also has gotten very devilish, and
mean at times with a horrible temper. She's precious and she's
Mama's and daddy's baby!