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Daddy's Little Photo Album 1944-1950

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The photos in this album appear to have been sent to him from the folks left back at home when Daddy was in the Navy during WWII and in the early 1950s prior to his marriage in September 1951. He signed up on 5 October 1943, the day before his 18th birthday and the 2nd anniversary of his father's death.

Many of the photos have captions or information written on the back.
This information is noted below in " ".

Click on the underlined titles to view a large image.

Page 1

Page 1

Mary Ann Saraf Fischer - Where was the photo taken?.

Caption: "Little Mrs. Fischer"

Pages 2-3
Page 2
Joe's Place (On Victory Drive next to Johnny Harris. After Joe died the bar eventually became Gildea's) L-R: Robert "Bob" Jenkins, Neil Joseph Fischer, _________, _________

Page 3
Robert "Bob" and Edith Jenkins

Pages 4-5
Page 4
Bob Jenkins and Neil Joseph Fischer at the Jenkin's House?

Page 5
Top Left: two adults and kid in front of house/screened porch with a huge string of fish
Lower Left: two guys outside a tent
Top Right: "Billy" goat in front of shed/garage
Lower Right: Man standing by car: "Mickey Dooley the biggest man on the Chatham County Police Force and a swell guy, 330 lbs." (Grandma Kate's writing)

Pages 6-7
Page 6
Left: Postcard of woman (Retta?)
Right: Aunt Retta and Uncle Joe Gildea

Page 7
Left: Boots & Lady Christmas photo card
Top Right: Boots school photo 1943-44 "Master Francis Fischer. My little brudder"
Lower Right: Boots and Billy. "U.S.S. Richard S. Bull, D.E. 402, c/o Fleet Post Office, New York, N.Y." "Little one"
Pages 8-9

Page 8
Upper Left:
"Boots and Lady" (horse behind fence)
Lower Left: "Boots at the side door of the place" (Joe's Place - Gildeas Bar)
Upper Right:
"Boots, Lady and Roy"
Lower Right:
"Boots and Lady on the back lot" (Boots sitting on the horse)

Page 9
Upper Left: (Boots and Lady)
Upper Right:
"Boots and Lady"
Lower Right:
"Boots on Lady, she's beautiful!"

Pages 10-11

Page 10
Upper Left: (Boots and horse)
Lower Left:
"Be sure to look at the boots real cowboy boots"
Upper Right: (Boots with horse)
Lower Right:
(Boots with horse at Wilmington Island)

Page 11
Upper Left: "King and Boots" (Where is this? Wilmington or Savannah Riding Academy?)
Lower Right: "King and Boots"

Pages 12-13
Page 12
Upper Left: "Boots and Gilliken" (With turtles and shark that Honey caught?)
Lower Right: "This is the frame of Boots boat and as soon as I can I will get a picture of it in the water"

Page 13
Upper Left:
"Canty and Nellie"
Lower Right: "King"
Pages 14-15
Page 14
Upper Left: "Boots, Prince & Bill" (Where is this?)
Lower Left: "King & Boots" (Where is this?)

Page 15
Upper Right: "Boots at the stables" (Savannah Riding Academy)
Lower Right: "Boots and Charley at the stables" (Savannah Riding Academy. What is Charley's last name?)
Pages 16-17
Page 16
Upper Left: "Retta, Boots and Mickey" (on the front porch of the big house at Wilmington)
Lower Left: "Boots, Prince, Joe, Irish & Jack
Right: "Boots and Irish"

Page 17
Upper Right: "Lady"
Lower Left: (Lady, Retta, Boots)
Lower Right: (Lady, Retta, Boots)
Pages 18-19
Page 18
Upper Left: "Buck"
Lower Left: "Buck & Billy" (What is Billy's last name?)
Right: Prince

Page 19
Upper Left: "Bill & Irish"
Lower Left: "Prince & Jack"
Right: "Pete Daly on Big Jim, Nellie Daly on Nellie, Mr. Hank Daly, Boots on Lady"
Pages 20-21
Page 20
Upper Left: "Old Uncle John at the stables"
Lower Left: "Wild Bill"
Right: (Grandma Kate on the steps of the back porch)

Page 21
Upper Left: "Mamie, Hawk and Me" (order is reversed: Grandma, Hawk, and Mamie)
Lower Left: "I wasn't going to send this because I look like Mrs. 5x5" (photo of Grandma Kate in front of garage with Billy the goat)
Right: "I look like an old Jew woman" (Grandma Kate sitting in Adirondack chair in front of the house with the shed/garage in the background
Pages 22-23
Page 22

Upper Left: "Jennie, Gretchen, (Lt.) Harness and Retta taken in our sun parlor"
Lower Left: "This is the house in the back yard with Hawk, Mamie and me working" (written by Grandma Kate)
Right: Mamie (sitting on the steps of the back porch)

Page 23
Upper Left: "Honey & Margaret Peterson"
Lower Left: "Honey & Jennie" (Aunt Honey in her Military uniform in front of a two story carriage house with two car garage)
Right: (Honey sitting in a chair on the front lawn)
Pages 24-25
Page 24
Upper Left: (photo of house from front yard)
Lower Left: "Retta & Lt. Harness, her husband is a Capt"
Right: "Honey & Retta" (in their military uniforms)

Page 25
Upper Left: "Retta with the two turtles and shark that Honey caught"
Lower Left: (Retta in her military uniform)
Right: "Retta & Lt. Harness" (on steps of front porch)
Pages 26-27
Page 26
Upper Left: (Honey in uniform, could be England. Has Passed Army Examiner on reverse)
Lower Left: "Honey in Atlanta at Pete's house" (in uniform at bottom of front stairs)
Upper Right: (Honey and another woman in nurse's uniform, appears to be in England)
Lower Right: "Honey in England" (Honey is combat uniform. Passed by Army examiner on reverse)

Page 27
Left: "Retta in our sun room"
Right: "Dan Russell, Margie Coleman Deloach, Retta Fischer Russell, Joe Russell"
Pages 28-29

Page 28
Upper Left: "Retta taken in Atlanta"
Upper Right: (Woman in front of car)
Lower Right: "Honey, Retta and Glenn McCarty, Margaret Peterson's husband"

Page 29
Upper Left: "The house on the dock" (adjusted photo - look at condition of dock) Adjusted
Lower Left: "This is Retta's friend Lt. Harness"

Right: (man crabbing)

Pages 30-31
Page 30
Upper Left: (Color photo: Aunt Honey, Sr. Daria, Grandma Kate and Chuckie. Printed on reverse: Week of Sept 11 1950) Adjusted Image
Lower Left: (Photo of Uncle Bootsie) School Days 1948-49
Upper Right: (Photo of Chuck in the water. Printed on reverse: Week of Sept 11 1950)
Lower Right: (Photo of Sr. Daria) School Days 1950-1951

Page 31
Upper Left: (Photo of a Sr. Daria; probably on day she took her vows and became a Bride of Christ. Printed on reverse: Week of Aug 14 1950)
Lower Left: (Sister Daria)
Right: (Chuck)
Page 33
Page 32

Page 33
(Photo of Mary Ann Saraf) "All my love, Mary Ann"

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