2001 - Cousins Found
Gabriella and Steven Fischer, Mary Ann Saraf Fischer, Antoine and Anoush
Stamboulian, Kim
and Gabriella hosted a wonderful gathering in September 2001 for our found cousins
from California. Anoush treated us to several Armenian recipes (one which I make
for my family now) and cousins and aunts and uncles came. Later that evening,
Uncle Phillip hosted a small gathering at his home downtown on Taylor Street.
Phillip, Kim, Antoine, Anoush, Antoine, Beth - Cousins
all began one afternoon while looking at old photographs that Iris
and David had scanned and burned on CD. I couldn't help wondering
what happened to the cousin who brought the monkey rug and the strange
animal antlers to Grandma when I was a little girl. Savannah relatives
said they thought the family may have moved to the United States.
I sent letters out to anyone with the correct names along with this
photo of Antoine - the Antoine I remembered as a little girl. I
got some letters and phone calls from persons who were not of Armenian
descent who took offense to my letter and I began to wonder if I'd
find my Stamboulians. Then on 4 April 2001, I received the email
* Going through Daddy's papers and photos after he died, I found
this Savannah
Morning News clipping that Mama had saved from Antoine's
visit in 1962. This is when I met Antoine. It is interesting to
note that his surname was not originally Stamboulian. |

Date: 04/04/2001 5:24:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Antoine To: Kim
Dear Cousin: I was overjoyed when I received your letter. I
am Antoine Joseph Stamboulian, Joseph's and Beatrice's older son and my brothers
are John Philip and Berj George. We are all living in Southern California.
I used to correspond with Philip Saraf, your uncle. But unfortunately have lost
contact about 20 years. When I first arrived in USA you are right I stayed with
your Grandmother Mary. The photo which you sent it's me, of course when I was
younger. I will be very pleased to be in contact with you and your famly. Please
send us your tel. number. How is Philip and George? Please give my best to
them and I would like to keep in touch again with them. Sincerely,
Antoine Joseph Stamboulian |
discovered from Anoush, that when her family first immigrated to the United States
from Cairo, Egypt, they lived for 3 1/2 years in North Miami and she still has
many relatives living in that area. She also told me that there is a large population
of Armenians in Southern California. They have nine Armenian schools from pre-kindergarden
to high school and their daughters attended Armenian schools and speak fluent
Armenian and English! |